June 22, 2011

Good quote

Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction

Starting up new challenge

Mencoba lembaran baru, mencoba tantangan baru

Jualan itu bisa dibilang gampang2 susah,

mungkin gampang for those who have connection and source,
mungkin juga gampang karena emang udah takdirnya begitu,
anyho.....lets try my luck........

Balmut jualanku for sale

For more info, visit Balimut jualanku for sale

May 23, 2011

Grew up Kani --

Dear kani,

Mam is so proud of you
You grew up so fast.
Yup, I cannot hold you to much longer in my arms, although you only 12 kgs.
You can now say everything I say in a row, not only one – one word, but long words
Full of tricks
Any thing can be your playing and friends
And always happy
Sometimes pass potty training by saying yourself, or by doing it yourself in the potty.
Yes, you are already bigger now, 1 year 9 months old….
Hope you be a nice little girl sweetie…

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May 04, 2011

13 month old Kani- minus 1 day........

Hari ini 24 Sept 2010, my dear Kani is 13 months kurang 1 hari…..
Pas lagi ada waktu luang, di kantor hehehhehe……mama mu ini nyempetin mau update diary nih, setelah tadinya Cuma nulis2 diary ajah.
Dengan pertimbangan, kalo buku, bisa ada kemungkinan bukunya hilang, kotor, rusak, dan gak bisa dicari lagi, cape deh udah nulis cape2………tapi kl di internet, wah sampe taon kapan pun msh tetep eksis yah….moga2 aja kalo Kani udah gede nanti, kalo kani lagi kesel sama mama atau papa, kalo kani lagi kesepian, kalo kani lagi di tahap2 pembelajaran, kani bisa baca2 blog mama yah
Setelah berjuang hampir 13 bulan kani dapet full ASI, akhirnya mama nyerah deh,
Mama nyerah bukan karena gak mau berjuang lagi untuk nyediain ASI, the best food for Kani, tapi karena memang sudah saatnya Kani belajar nyusu selain ASI dan kaena kurangnya stok ASI buat sehari2. Bayangin aja Kan, kamu mik susu tiap hari bisa 450 – 500ml kalo mama tinggal kerja, apalagi kalo amah lagi rajin kasih susu, wahhhhhhhhhh ……banyak amat minumnya. Sedangkan ASI yg mama perah setiap harinya Cuma 250 – 300 ml, itu juga udah makan banyak, minum banyak, plus nyediain waktu perah 2X sehari di kantor. Kadang kalo lagi ada meeting, sampe jam 2 baru sempet merahnya.
Jadilah kani mulai diperkenalkan ASI dicampur susu ultra UHT PLAIN ./////…… yah kani mulai minum yang plain aja.
Setelah 1 tahun makan no gula garam, susunya juga yang plain dulu ya de, sampe 2 tahun, nanti kalo udah 2 tahun, baru deh coba yang coklat, strawberry, dll……
Walopun si papa keukeh mau kasih sufor buat kani, tapi mama tetep berjuang mau kasih fresh milk, ditinjau dari segi manapun tetep lebih baik fresh milk.
Padahal si mama udah banyak banget kasih penjelasan, bukti ilmiah, dll sampe2 kasih ngajak2 temen2nya untuk kasih fresh milk better than formula, tapi kok ya si papa masih aja keukeh milih sufor. Katanya sih, ada tambahan omega 3, AA, dan DHA, padahal dari ASI dan fresh milk pun, ada juga, Cuma dia aja yang termakan iklan susu yang meraja lela. Tunggu aja sampe lihat hasilnya nanti kalau masyarakat sudah pinter.
Kani, tau gak, demi ASI mama bela2in pulang pergi kantor plangi – tg priok setiap hari, karena di rumah ada amah dan akung yang bisa jagain kani, selain juga kita gak dapet2 suster atopun mbak buat jagain kani. Mama juga lebih tenang ninggalin kani sama amah ato akung, yah………dimana mana semua anak lebih aman dan nyaman dengan mama sendiri yah……
Kani sendiri kalo mama pulang aja langsung minta nenen, padahal udah kenyang makan macem2 yah, …. Jadi kalau kani besar nanti, be a strong girl yah de………. Kani musti tegar, tabah, dan yakin kalo semua yang ada bisa kani jalanin. Mama pasti bantuin kani eventhough kani lagi sebel sama mama……..
Mungkin kani gak bakal ngerti, tapi satu saat nanti, apalagi kalo kani udah punya anak, kani akan sadar kalo semua yang mama lakukan karena mama sayang kani. Karena mama sendiri pun baru sadar setelah punya kani, that amah is the best mom I ever had………
Tahu gak kani, setiap hari, amah bela2 in bangun jam 5 pagi, buat nyuci in bajunya kani, masakin makanannya kani, mandi, dan sembahyang, karena kalo amah gak bangun pagi, ntar gak sempet ngerjain itu semua, apalagi jam 6 kani kadang udah bangun. Sedangkan mama sendiri baru bangun jam 5.30 atau jam 6, karena kalau mamamu ini bangun pagi, ujung2nya kecapean dan sakit deh….
Tau nih kani setelah melahirkan kani, kenapa jadi sering sakit yah……udah tua kali ya…..
Biasanya sih jam 5 udah bangun, tapi kani minta nenen, jadi gak bisa langsung bangun, musti nenen dulu, kadang ketiduran lagi, kadang masih males heehehhe
Semoga aja kani nanti jadi anak kuat, gak gampang sakit yah……

and someday she can say........Mom and Dad, you are the brightest star that lights up the sky, just like you always have lighted my life..miss you every day...your baby girl!

May 03, 2011

Breastfeeding ? Is it a must??

Before you plan to have a baby, then first you 'd better think how you raise her........

Having a baby is not just about having a cute little angel, but .....how you can give her the best, as best as she can have,

If somebody says about the best, what is the best I can give her for the earlier days in her life, ......let's see...
First you have to give her love of course, and feed her, and hug her, and stay by her side 24/7.

I always hear about mother's milk, and hopefully mother's milk is the best food for my little angel.
but still there are a lot of questions about the mother's milk such as :

April 25, 2011

Here comes the baby blues .....

Having a baby means.........you have to be ready for something brand new bad dreams.

Who said that everything will be fine, once the baby arrives, then you 'll be a happy mom.....
Who said that anyway.........


I feel terrible when I hear she cries..... a lot......almost all night, I don't know how to breast her,........
I don't know how to hug her, and I don't even know what she wants.........
Whatever I do, she keeps crying and crying, even harder....

Hey baby, I don't know who you are, who ruin all my imagination of being a new mom....

I think having a baby is only seeing her everyday sleeping,
but the reality is when you have a baby you MUST at least have a little knowledge of how to calm her down...,
Not only I have to try recovering my body, and all the heavy spirit to get everything back to normal, what I mean normal is, at least I can walk normal again, no more stomach, and no more boneless every time I try to stand out....

Luckily I have a little knowledge on how to manage the baby blues........here

anyho.....a part from my baby blues syndrome, which finally I can get over it,
one thing that I always remember that my early latch on with dede,
for the first time I hold her in my arms, although I cannot move even a bit, but I can hold her in my arms,
still she finds and finds her milk..........

I only a little bit disappointed cause she was given to me after 30 minutes, not in the mean time after her born,
she should have come to me in just time.........no need to be that tidy.........

I Got Pregnant!!!!!

Finally I got married.........
And the daily life of a marriage has begun.........

When I woke up in the morning, still there is no big change in my life, starting to the bathroom, and getting ready to the office. The difference is only no I have my big man, I used to call him Koko, next in my bed who is still sleeping....but a little bother by shining lamp I used to make up.

Wish the rain goes away from everybody's life.............

Life is not always fair
when you think that you are happy, there is still something which makes you not to be happy
I'm happy now but my friends is not in the good luck, how can I be happy???

Roda kehidupan berputar, sometimes you are up, sometimes you are down..........
When you are in the peak, do not be overwhelmed..........
When you are not in your luck, don't worry......the rain will go away....

Be tough my dear, .........
Perhaps it's not your day, but you will be even stronger ahead...
I cannot make you feel better, only you who can make everything to be the best.........

Hold on friends.......
I will try to give you my shoulder, you can count on me
but what can I do if I cannot make you feel better........
I don't have power, I'm not the one who can turn my hands on and off........
because I'm only me.........

April 19, 2011

Wish Upon the Stars

And everything comes for a reason
so when you feel cold, stand by me, then I will warm your heart,
when you feel that it's too hot here, I will calm you
when you feel it is so hard to find a way, just remember me,
So when you feel you are alone, don't be cause I'll be there................
and when you need someone beside you, count on me
This is not a promise, but a prove for you my dear.....


January 18, 2011

Kani nyanyi

Satu satu……..kani cayang Mamah
Dua dua….. kani cayang papah
Tiga tiga cayang amah kung
Hehehehe………si kani udah bisa diajak cerita, ngobrol…serunyaaaaaaaa