May 01, 2013

Welcome back !!!!!!!!!!!


after a long long time, I actually remember this blog

Left this site before, and I .......somehow miss the time of typing and expressing my hobby here, while leaving the tiny message for my lovely angels, Kania and Adrian.

Tidak terasa waktu berlalu, sekarang Kania sudah punya ade, Adrian.

Adrian : mulai bisa tengkurep 3 months 10 days while kania in 3 months
Adrian bisa tengkurep bolak balik 4 bulan while Kania 3.5 bulan

Now Adrian is 5 months old, and mulai berasain giginya mau tumbuh, tangannya digigit2 karena gatel.

Ade lahir di wk 36, 2,7kg and 47cm, but that doesn't mean that he is that tiny.
he is more fat than kani anyway.

in his 5 months old, he is already 7,5kg, same weight as kani when she was 8mo.

i really love the two of them.

sometimes, when i feel so tired, just remembering them, already makes me feel so blessed.

Yet, we dont live with my mom anymore, but we can see each other

My two Awesome angels

Kania & Adrian

kania has already new baby brother, whom she loves so much.
Adrian is so funny and different with her.
he is more chubby but less active than her.

in his 3 mo 2 weeks, adrian -- tengkurep
in his 6 mo - sit with a little help
in his 7 mo - sit longer time
in his 8 mo - already wake up from lay down to sit step by step
                    bubbling with more words, papa, mama, ae ae, etc

Kani concerns with her brother so much, and adrian idols her in every step she makes.

How adorable they are