November 22, 2010

Life is like roller coaster

Just found out that a friend of mine, had bad miserable moment in life.
I knew Mimi from Linda when I was depressed in my love life; she introduced me to Buddha, and taught me how to live in Buddha way. They drove me to wihara twice I guess, since then I found the most religious moment in my life. They both were happy couple and nice person.
Once, Linda was also jealous with her boyfriend, since he was such a loyal person. He always took care and served Mimi all the way, they had long relationship before we did.
But her boyfriend has passed away last year due to seriously sick.
Sorry mimi, I never knew it before, and pray the best for you. Wish your karma brings you happiness.
Life is never flat……….

November 11, 2010

Flashbacks.........Wedding vendor part 1

Time goes by so fast, and suddenly we have been married for 2 years. Still bear in mind the wedding day and the hectic preparation at the moments.
What I really bear in mind during that day is the preparation, and it comes up to my mind that there is nothing too lose if I make up some review about how I felt at those moments. So here we go, just like others who review their wedding vendor just after the time, I also want to concern about the “Wedding Vendor Review” ……….hehehe telat yak………better late than never……J
We only had few vendors to prepare our wedding, because many wedding package which we picked served wedding package to make us easier arranging the day…… was the main purpose, but the fact was……….tetep aja ribet deh……..

a. Eva Bun Bridal
Location : Harmoni and Mall Artha Gading
Products :
1. the wedding gown and make up
As many other `brides to be`, we also visited some of wedding fairs, which hopefully we could have special offer during the fair and easily compare among one vendor to another.
We picked this bridal at one wedding fair held in Hailai, Ancol.
Actually this was not `my dream bridal` at the moment, what in my mind about this bridal was Eva Bun = old fashion style, and `kayak ibu2 banget deh`, furthermore compared to other new style bridal such as New Brides, JJ Bride, or else……..ooohhh I love them. But si koko kept convincing me that with their experiences handling many wedding for many years, we could count on them……..yeah…..
Anyway, since I did not have any interest to this vendor, ….i made many and even more extra bonus than they offered, yeah….just like other vendors who used to impress the customer, they tried to impress us, me with more and more other package that we could get by choosing them. Moreover, the first wedding fair day was so calm, and only visited by few customers. Thanks to other wedding fairs who also held at other place, such as Jakarta Fair wedding fair……..
And I `aji mumpung` kept asking more and more………..
We spared some time in the car once after we got some offering from other bridals, such as New Brides, JJ Bride, that all I remember, and came back to the fair with `one decision`……..yes we picked Eva Bun Bridal as our bridal………and still with many wishes………..i wished they could dress me with modern gown that I could have every woman wedding dress………..©and wish I could have every woman wedding dream………
From the standard package which they offered the first time, we could have almost doubled than before:
For the bride :
One wedding dress on `D` day (Nov 1st;2008)
One wedding dress for the Holy Matrimony (Oct 4th, 2008) à additional
Two wedding dress for Pre-wed photo session pictures, one for in-door session and one for out-door session
One folk dress for Pre wed in door photo session
For the groom :
1 million (plus additional 0.5M) voucher for the Blazer; our choice came to Grisvian Hewis since they have the showroom @ Plangi.
For the mothers of the bride :
Two gown for my mom and mom in law; fiuhh….. although this extra bonus has made some argue as they did not admit it once we came along with our mothers, then also made si koko claimed that I was not carefull watching up this agreement in the beginning. Anyway after some arguing and hustle, we did not pick these gown though, our mothers made up their gown by other tailor, but following our theme color – Gold –
For others : one gown for the bridesmaid, two gowns for the Front door, plus 3 extra gowns for the rest.
In total we got 7 extra dresses for everyone, except for me.
On D day, the gown goes to my mom for `Tea pai session`, my sis, two sis in law, one front door
Thanks to Nuri, our sales agent, who helped me a lot grabbing my bonus J
And also a lot thanks for their staff who were not so bother if I came there almost every week, picking up, choosing, demanding out to achieve my dream wedding gown.
If you see my finally choice, ………it’s so adorable, not to say glamour, but kinda simple elegant `Cinderella look alike princess` dress……….hahahha……….


As promised at the start, I would have the make up artist by Eva bun herself for the wedding day and holy matrimony too. That’s what I concerned about at the first time, since the holy matrimony took the one day after Lebaran day, wish `she` did not go abroad for holiday.
But in the middle of the stage,…..they said that they could not afford this……..OMG……..
I was so upset and disappointed at the moment………as the compensation, we asked more bargaining to substitute that one; that is 10 more extra Pre wed photo pictures, as stated in my compliance letter.
And they were agreed.
Though, at the holy matrimony day, ms. Paula, the daughter of Eva Bun, was there, and still did my make up. Oh….boy………she was so nice and very much well indeed as the result.
I could have a touch up make at the hotel, as the started, but they said, I could not afford it.
Anyway, since I already got more extra, plus there was the Mercedes Benz which was not used optimally (8-hour-rent for free) as another of their offer, then I agreed it.
The fact is, I arrived at noon at the bridal for touch up make up and ms Paula was still there, and she did the touch up. One of the staff who handled the finishing stated that, `I was so lucky to have the touch up by her`……..jarang2 loh mbak bu Paula mau touch up lagi……..lucky me……J
Well, I wished I could have high stage cake, not so call – glamour cake- but the price is too expensive, not to say, it was only as accessories, due the original cake has already in packed by pieces, ready to be given; so we deal for simple ordinary cake but…….. I did not know that an ordinary cake would be so nice and perfect, fitted to our theme – again, Gold and a little Reddish.
In the end, we did not count on the taste, as I only ate piece by piece for the photo session.
Yet, ordinary result, but we could have it on CD besides of cassette à another bonus J
Although not so great, since it mostly contained of the holy matrimony, ……ohhh I wished I could have more time to edit it and have the wedding day event longer………L
Wow… nice ……..if you see it……….so impress and love it so much………
Enough folk for this moment, if I had more time later, and………. More willing to review other vendor, I will continue this story……..

November 10, 2010

Food for Kani

After trying to give my Kani more calorie food, such as Chicken nugget made with chicken, milk, and cheese; Rollade made with kacang polong and others; banana or avocado milkshake special but no-so-cold as original; Kani likes it so much and gains more weight…..
She looks a little chubby and cute, but most of it my favorite quote is “mamam” nenen hahahha
The problem is she is some kinda moody toddler, in moment she likes mie goreng so much, but the next hour, she really hates it. Need enough effort to feed you baby…..
Perhaps mama needs more mbak…… but if I had one, I will not lose the moments to feed you and suddenly miss the toddler funny special moments with you. Someday if you grow, perhaps mama does not have more precious moments with you.

November 05, 2010

Menu penambah Berat Badan ....hopefully!!!

Dear moms...

pas lg asik-asik browsing... eh kok saya dapat artikel ini dari milis sebelah, pas kok temanya soal BB, ini tipsnya luangkap bianget!!!


Makan itu gak harus nasi lho. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah BB anak yg sulit atau tdk naik adl buatlah menu tinggi kalori.
Anak yg BB nya tdk atau sulit naik bisa disebabkan :
- Anaknya aktif sekali, tdk bisa diam. Jadi butuh kalori ekstra.
- Faktor genetik
- Sulit makan, sehingga energi yg masuk memang hanya pas2an digunakan utk aktivitas hariannya
- Sistem metabolismenya. Istilah gampangnya udah makan buanyak tapi koq tetap langsing. Nah, gimana kalo makan yg pas2an? :-). Ini berkaitan dgn sistem penyerapan makanan, faktor bawaan anak.
Untuk membuat saat makan menjadi lebih mudah & memaksimalkan kemungkinan anak akan mau makan dapat dilakukan hal berikut ini:
- Jangan memaksa anak untuk makan jika dia menolak. Memaksa anak biasanya akan membuat anak semakin menolak untuk makan
- Susun jadwal untuk makan besar dan snack, yaitu 3 kali makan besar dan 2-3 snack yang terbuat dari makanan tinggi kalori.
- Ijinkan anak untuk makan sendiri, terutama untuk finger food.
- Berikan minuman, misalnya jus, hanya setelah makan selesai
Ahli gizi anak menganjurkan cara agar anak mendapat lebih banyak kalori dengan cara memberikan makanan berkalori tinggi yang tinggi protein dan banyak kandungan nutrisinya.
Hal ini terutama dilakukan untuk anak yang membutuhkan tambahan kalori untuk mengejar ketertinggalan berat badannya:
- Berikan makanan tinggi kallori (ada contoh menunya di bawah ini)
- Hindari junk foods, yang mungkin mengandung kalori tapi biasanya rendah protein
- Buat milkshake sebagai salah satu snack tinggi kalori, bisa memberikan lebih dari 400 kalori. Oke punya nih …., kalorinya lebih tinggi dari sepiring nasi.
- Puding juga dapat memberikan banyak kalori jika ditambahkan susu
- Tambahkan keju sebagai toping untuk roti, sayuran, dll.
- Gunakan selai kacang (yang mengadung 100 kalori tiap 1 sendok makan) sebagai snack dan sebagai toping untuk roti, krakers dan buah. Atau bisa juga diblender dengan susu, ice cream atau yoghurt
- Buat snack buah tinggi kalori dengan menambahkan gula atau yoghurt pada buah2an yang akan dimakannya, buahnya bisa buah segar atau buah kaleng
- Berikan buah tinggi kalori seperti aplukat & mangga. Bisa dimakan siram yoghurt atau diblender atau dibuat smoothie.
Ini ada sedikit gambaran tentang menu2 tinggi kalori. Mungkin bisa diberikan dlm porsi sedikit2 tapi sering. Karena anak yg susah makan biasanya bisa disiasati dgn metode sedikit2 tapi sering ini. Ya kitanya mesti sabar2 sih, gak boleh menyerah, gak boleh bosen menawarkan ke anak. Suatu hari nanti pasti ada masanya dia akan mau makan deh… :-)